Life Events
It is one of our huge privileges as a church to be alongside people at those significant life moments, both times of celebration, and times of loss and hardship. Please do contact the church office if you need more information on any of the following.
Baptisms & Thanksgivings
If you are interested in getting baptised, or having your child baptised, please do come along on a Sunday morning and speak to us. We would love to meet with you, and make arrangements to talk with you and your family through the process. Baptisms normally take place as part of a normal Sunday morning service, so that the whole church is able to welcome the newly baptised.

If you are interested in getting married at St Nicholas, or at our sister church, St Giles, please do contact the church office and arrange to meet with Stephen. This Church of England website has lots of information that may help you in your preparations:

If you have recently lost a loved one, and would like to have a Christian burial or cremation service, please do get in touch with the church office. In cooperation with your funeral director, Stephen will then arrange to meet with you and shape the service with you.