Welcome to St Nicholas Church, Orpington

St Nicholas Church is an Anglican church made up of people from all walks of life. Our prayer is that as we welcome members of the community, we also welcome the presence of Christ, and that as people encounter Christ they would be transformed.


Sunday 23rd March: 9.15am Informal Communion/ 10.30am Morning Worship

Sunday 30th March: 10.30am Morning Worship (Mothering Sunday – Guest Speaker from The Mothers’ Union)

Sunday 6th April: (9.45am Prayer Meeting)/ 10.30am Morning Worship + Holy Communion

Sunday 13th April (PALM SUNDAY): 9.15am Informal Communion/ 10.30am Croissants and Craft (All Age Worship)

Thursday 17th April: 7pm Maundy Thursday Passover Meal

Friday 18th April: 2pm Good Friday Reflective Service

Saturday 19th April: 10am – 12pm Easter Activity Morning

Sunday 20th April: 10.30am Easter Sunday All Age Communion Service

Sunday 27th April: 10.30am Morning Worship



St Nicholas Church takes seriously its safeguarding responsibilities. For more information, and the details of our Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO), please see our Parish Safeguarding Policy here. Alternatively visit the safeguarding pages of the diocesan website here. However, if you or someone you are concerned about is in immediate danger, please call the police on 999.


Informal Communion Service on 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month


Morning Worship: a relaxed, informal service, with worship led twice a month by our Youth Worship Band. 

Growing Relationships that lead to God

We want relationships to be at the heart of what we do
